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The Climb... the little part of my poetry

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The Climb... the little part of my poetry Empty The Climb... the little part of my poetry

Писане  AnnDimiter Съб Сеп 05, 2009 1:20 pm

Ще пусна някои от стиховете си. Не е нужно да коментирате, ако не искате, но все пак се чувствайте свободни да го правите. Smile


Брой мнения : 34
Join date : 04.09.2009
Age : 31
Местожителство : WonderLand


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The Climb... the little part of my poetry Empty Re: The Climb... the little part of my poetry

Писане  AnnDimiter Съб Сеп 05, 2009 1:22 pm

Восъчна сълза

Плач и восъкът се пръска.
Там се стича мъничка сълза.
Здрач и всичко се обърква.
Тихо диша самотната тъга.

Дим от изгорена клечка.
Прах от остарелите стени.
Мрачна е любовната пътечка,
по която вървяхме – аз и ти.

В душата ми свещта догаря,
в сърцето ми огънят мълчи.
Колко ли ще тлее мътната жарава?
Дали само миг или няколко дни…

Стон от прекратена нежност.
Писък от загубена душа.
Мисъл, облечена в грешност.
Малка восъчна сълза…

Ти плачи, сърце, не спирай,
на болката се отдади!
И в тази участ потопи се,
нека леят се твоите сълзи!

Дъжд от мъгли

Сив дъжд от мъгли вали,
изтриващ цвета на моите дни.
Ти само навън погледни,
виж посивялото небе от сълзи.

Искам да се върнат моите цветове.
Искам моя – не други светове!
Защо няма дъжд от цветове,
който да върне синьото небе?

И само Слънцето в жълто грее,
и само една птица песен пее.
Къде е Животът, за да ме облее?
Къде е Дъгата, за да изгрее?

Отново искам зеления цвят,
който да багри целия свят.
Искам маково червено.
Искам всичко да е ярко оцветено.

Но как да изгрее дъгата от багри?
Тя изгрява щом дъждът заспи,
а той продължава да вали
и вече нищо не блести.

Замира и последния стон,
потапя се в дъжд поредния клон.
Моят свят потъна в тъга,
в моят свят вече всичко е обляно в сивота.


Лежиш сама в гроб студен,
потънала в тъмнината
и всеки образ бе сломен
на фона на тишината.

Не виждам път или лъчи,
подаващи се от небето.
Къде е тя, защо мълчи?
Сподавен вик прониза ме в сърцето.

“Тя не е тук, тя си замина!”-
крещи и връща ме към реалността.
Но болката така и не отмина,
не се събудих от съня…

Поглеждам пак – в очите капки.
Капки дъжд или роса?
Какво сърцето ми очаква? –
навярно да ми проговори тя.

Но разумът ми не бълнува,
той тук е и тихичко шепти –
“Ти не сънуваш, не сънуваш!
Това не е дъжд, това са сълзи!

Черно кадифе

Широко отварям очите си мътни,
сипвам чаша черно кадифе.
Небето над мен бързо се стъмни.
Политам към него, но нямам криле…

Скривам очите си от жълтото слънце,
то изпарява магията в мен.
Сърцето ми е колкото мъничко зрънце.
Беше голямо, но вече не е…

Восъкът слепил е устните неми,
шалът прикрил е позорния вид.
Погледът в магическо бронзово свети.
Денят ми черния цвят е попил...


Рисувам с кръвта си по стената.
Рисувам и устните ми шепнат пак за теб.
Изтръгвам сърцето си измамено от лъжата
и пак аз страдам все по теб...

Рисувам с кръвта си по стената.
Рисувам с кървави бои..
Осветява ме отвън луната
и плачат тъжните звезди.

Ти чувствал ли си някога омраза?
Ти чувствал ли си някога любов?
Душата ми за теб е жалка украса,
която падне ли надава тъжен зов...

Рисувам с кръвта си по стената.
Рисувам аз и чувствам самота.
Рисунката ми не е като вятър.
Тя е прашинка горчива тъга.

Рисувам с кръвта си по стената.
Рисувам аз разбити сърца.
Едно от тях ти го стъпка
и то разби се на хиляди стъкълца...

Живота ли ми дари тази омраза?
Съдбата ли ме надари с този гняв?
Луната седи тъжна на перваза
и гледа как потъвам в ад...

Рисувам с кръвта си по стената.
Рисувам тъжната луна.
Изтръгнах си сърцето,за да те мразя,
а на теб не ти пука за това.

Тя беше ангел

Валеше дъжд и бе студена нощ.
Луната грееше ярко на небето.
Сама за пореден път и тази нощ
Тя шепнеше заклинания проклети.

Сълзите й самотни молеха за прошка.
Душата й погрешна жадуваше за нова грешка.
Сърцето й сковано бе от лед,
Тя беше ангел с огнен арбалет.

Очите й с кървави сълзи плачеха,
Ръцете й бяха с демонски крила.
Тя беше нещо, което всички чакаха,
Тя беше ангел с дяволска душа.

Животните от нея бягаха,
Слънцето залязваше щом тя изникне,
Луната сълзи ронеше над стряхата,
Вълните бягаха към дъното.

И Господ ще й падне на колене,
И Дяволът ще моли за пощада,
но сърцето й ранено от подобни думи
Не знаеше що значеше "пощада" .

Тя вървеше с вдигната осанка,
очите й бяха измъчени от любовта.
Единствения Дявол за нея беше
самата богиня на света - Любовта.

Красивите й устни бяха попити с отрова -
Вкусиш ли веднъж - цял живот я искаш
Дълбоко в Нейната утроба
се криеше плод на Дявола - Любов....

Проклинаше деня Тя на заблуда,
проклинаше Тя вярата в любов.
Не искаше повече да чува
какво е да си щастлив от любов.

Тя искаше да я убие
със своя огнен арбалет.
Нейната велика кръв да изпие
дори нейният ореол да бъде взет.

Тя беше някога тогава
и досега е някъде така!
Сълзите й не са за жалост,
те са капки отровна тъга...

Брой мнения : 34
Join date : 04.09.2009
Age : 31
Местожителство : WonderLand


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The Climb... the little part of my poetry Empty Re: The Climb... the little part of my poetry

Писане  AnnDimiter Съб Сеп 05, 2009 1:23 pm

Не ме е страх

Погледът ти дави тишината,
изпепелява се страхът в мен.
С теб ли съм- сбогувам се със самотата.
А ти оставаш все така смутен.

Нима не вярваш, че не се страхувам?
Нима си мислиш, че бих те изоставила?
Не знам какво си и не ме интересува -
единствено със теб не се чувствам в беда.

Дори и да си Лошият, не ме вълнува.
Дори и устните ти да трептят за мойта кръв.
Просто ела, аз наистина не се страхувам!
Човек съм, та макар и заблуден...

Виждам истината в очите ти.
Виждам, ти не си зъл.
Знам инстинктът ти отрича ме,
но тук съм... и ти би могъл.

Тръпна за леденото ти докосване.
Мечтая чрез усните ни да се слея с вечността.
Мислиш ли, че нещо изпускаме?
Не искам да ни раздели смъртта!

Отхапи от тази крехка топлина,
потопи се в нея, засмучи страха.
След това ще съм като теб - същата
и изживеем заедно вечността.


Сутринта в леглото се събуждам
очи отварям да посрещна следващия ден.
Обръщам се и отново те прегръщам,
за да повярвам, че наистина си ти до мен.

Ти лежиш, безмълвен и сънлив,
прозяваш се и с дъха си ме сразяваш.
Проговаряш с твоя глас звънлив
и в прегрътките си ме стопяваш.

Каква страхотна нощ, каква луна...
но сутринта е още по-прекрасна!
Събуждам се до твоята снага
и в тоя огън аз по тебе гасна.

Целувките ти имат привкус на море,
защото ти си морски, а аз сирена!
Нищо и никой не може да ме спре
до теб да заспивам омиротворена.

Love strength

Can you come and see
how much you mean to me?
Is this all you would do
instead my love for you?

O my love look at me!
Did not you feel me?
If that is all you give
well tell me that you leave!

Tell me honestly
what are you think of me?
Do I make you mad
or you just freakin' out...

Are you agree to try
again but without a lie?
I think we're not so desperate
cuz we have the love strength!

Who I am

Life is fight. We are soldiers and targets!
But who I am to give name to life?!
Who I am?

I am that one who tell you when you wrong!
Yes, I am the same one who called you when you was alone!
I am in your head. So you won't wake up from this nightmare!
This is your life! But... who I am?!

I am always next to you. You ask me why?
Cuz I am the line
between life and death! So what you asked me before?
"Who I am?"

... Close your eyes and open your senses...
Do you feel something? Yes, I know you do...
So... You ask me why I'm doing that?
Well, baby, I do it for you!
But... Who I am?

I am your breath and beat of your heart!
I am your dream and your nightmare!
I am the air that is around you now!
I am everything... but not you!

Than who I am?!

Последната промяна е направена от AnnDimiter на Пет Дек 25, 2009 5:23 am; мнението е било променяно общо 1 път

Брой мнения : 34
Join date : 04.09.2009
Age : 31
Местожителство : WonderLand


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The Climb... the little part of my poetry Empty Re: The Climb... the little part of my poetry

Писане  AnnDimiter Съб Сеп 12, 2009 2:29 am

Invisible tower

It's raining day and all I can do
is to think of you...
Sitting by the window and watching the drops falling down
I feel like I watch my tears touching the ground.

What's left after broken walls?
Only ruins or there is still invisible tower?
I feel emptiness inside me
after you leave me
but now you come back so
Welcome to my broken world, sir, now you're the Star here!

Do you find something for you in my heart?
I don't think so, I throw all your stuff away!
You think it's easy to love and forget after all?
Did you ever think how you cut my way???

What's left after broken walls?
Only ruins or there is still invisible tower?
I feel emptiness inside me
after you leave me
but now you come back so
Welcome to my broken world, sir, now you're the Star here!

You try to make me one of your movie.
But I'm so tired of being an unimportant person!
Don't you see how you look to me?
I don't wanna your apologize!
I see the truth in your false eyes!

Брой мнения : 34
Join date : 04.09.2009
Age : 31
Местожителство : WonderLand


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The Climb... the little part of my poetry Empty Re: The Climb... the little part of my poetry

Писане  AnnDimiter Нед Окт 04, 2009 1:26 am

Hold the wind

Where are you go?
Yesterday gone!
And tomorrow already come.
Today I'm alone...

I will fight for the love,
for the dreams,
for every good things.
I'll be here the whole time
if you give me your heart!

You'll be loved,
you'll be dreamt.
Just come and hold the wind!
And there's no one else who can make me feel strong!

Where you go?
Yesterday gone!
And tomorrow already come.
Today I'm alone...

I need you
Baby, I need you
lala-la, lala-la

You will never lose me

Do you remember mom
when I said that I will go to LA?
You looked me in the eyes and laughed.
Years later I still remember that moment
and now I realize what you was thinkin' about...

'I lost my daugther, I already lost her'
'I lost my daugther, I already lost her'

Mammy, mammy you will never lose me.
I will always be right here.
You will never never lose me.
Cuz I'm mammy... cuz I am you're child.

Do you remember mom
when I was away for the first time?
You call me over and over again.
I told ya that I miss ya but I'm okay.
It seems like it was so far away.
And now I realize what you was thinkin' about...

'I lost my daugther, I already lost her'
'I lost my daugther, I already lost her'

Mammy, mammy you will never lose me.
I will always be right here.
You will never never lose me.
Cuz I'm mammy... cuz I am you're child.

Do you remember mom
the last goodbye?
Do you remember mom
how much we cried?
Do you remember mom
all the promises we gave?
it was long ago but I hope you had forgiven me!

Forgive me... forgive me...

Последната промяна е направена от AnnDimiter на Пет Дек 25, 2009 5:27 am; мнението е било променяно общо 1 път

Брой мнения : 34
Join date : 04.09.2009
Age : 31
Местожителство : WonderLand


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The Climb... the little part of my poetry Empty Re: The Climb... the little part of my poetry

Писане  AnnDimiter Нед Окт 11, 2009 5:34 am

Save me from the storm

When it rains all around
is a world I don't belong.
All is cold, all is black.
In this time I need to walk...

And now, ooowww
all I need is you, ooowww
Can you hold me?
Can you save me from the storm?
And now, oowww
all I need is you, oowww
Come back, my love
all I ever wanted was you....

I feel unwanted, I feel unknown.
Like all this forest drove me out.
Running in the middle of the night.
I see the path on the moonlight...

And now, ooowww
all I need is you, ooowww
Can you hold me?
Can you save me from the storm?
And now, oowww
all I need is you, oowww
Come back, my love
all I ever wanted was you....

The wind turned into a whirlwind around us.
Everything changes, everything is collapsing.
I need you beside me right now. Come and help me.

And now, ooowww
all I need is you, ooowww
Can you hold me?
Can you save me from the storm?
And now, oowww
all I need is you, oowww
Come back, my love
all I ever wanted was you....

And now, ooowww
all I need is you, ooowww
Can you hold me?
Can you save me from the storm?
And now, oowww
all I need is you, oowww
Come back, my love
all I ever wanted was you....
I need you to save me....

Последната промяна е направена от AnnDimiter на Пет Ное 13, 2009 6:25 am; мнението е било променяно общо 1 път

Брой мнения : 34
Join date : 04.09.2009
Age : 31
Местожителство : WonderLand


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The Climb... the little part of my poetry Empty Re: The Climb... the little part of my poetry

Писане  AnnDimiter Съб Окт 31, 2009 6:13 am

Falling in memories

I think that I'm still crush on you!
I'm not sure... but there is a feeling
that hurts every time I see you
with your girlfriend.
And when you're near I just freaking out.

What I've gotta do?
Please help me, I'm falling!
I'm falling!

What we done?
What was wrong?
Was it something I did?
Was it something I said?
You leave me feeling so sad.

Honey I can not forget
all the memories that we create.
Don't know how you are doing that
but for me it's very hard.

I can't always be like that
so I must stop looking back
and I gotta go ahead
forgetting things that returned me back to you...
I loved you...

What I've gotta do?
Please help me, I'm falling!
I'm falling!

What we done?
What was wrong?
Was it something I did?
Was it something I said?
You leave me feeling so sad.

Baby I will always remember our fairytale.
It was awesome to be yours!
Baby I can't forget everything we had.
But it's time to go my way!
Go my way....

Брой мнения : 34
Join date : 04.09.2009
Age : 31
Местожителство : WonderLand


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The Climb... the little part of my poetry Empty Re: The Climb... the little part of my poetry

Писане  AnnDimiter Пет Ное 13, 2009 12:16 am

Feeling sorry

For the first time I felt inlove.
It was amazing, he makes me crazy.
He had guitar and great voice.
He was handsome , he hеld my hands. Oh!
But one day he looks at me with sadness in his eyes.
Without words I understood that he said me goodbye!

You broke my heart
and now you feeling sorry.
You told me that it was hard
to make me worry.
But here we are, standing here
and there is nothing that can make me feel
... better!

It was so hard to forget your smile
and all the promises we gave to each other.
You even can't imagine how much I cried
after your speechless goodbye!
Now I already closed this page of my life.
I can't forget but I'm not regret!

You broke my heart
and now you feeling sorry.
You told me that it was hard
to make me feel worry.
But here we are, standing here
and there is nothing that can make me feel
... better!

Like you don't remember what you've done!
You back here telling me that you feel alone.
I see what you trying to do
but I can't be with you!
I still couldn't fix my heart after you broke it.
So get out of my eyes right now
because I'm done!
I'm already done!

Брой мнения : 34
Join date : 04.09.2009
Age : 31
Местожителство : WonderLand


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The Climb... the little part of my poetry Empty Re: The Climb... the little part of my poetry

Писане  AnnDimiter Пет Ное 13, 2009 12:35 am

Lost friendship

What's wrong with our friendship?
I don't know, I don't know!
It's never meant to be like that.
But all was done, all was done...

Seems like it was yesterday
when you was my best friend.
We were together in all the ways.
I changing inside, you changing outside.
But we never broke the friendship even for a while.

I moved out of town.
I missed you at all.
We were together even from distance.
One day you massage me
that you hated me.
It was so rude. I wonder
what goes wrong?

Seems like it was yesterday
when you was my best friend.
We were together in all the ways.
I changing inside, you changing outside.
But we never broke the friendship even for a while.

Now I already know
where I was wrong.
I never saw that
the only one who appreciate
this friendship was me.
I thought that you loved me
but you just acted
because you wanted
to break me up!

Seems like it was yesterday
when you was my best friend.
We were together in all the ways.
I changing inside, you changing outside.
But we never broke the friendship even for a while.

Ooo, I believed in you!
Ooo, I was honest with you!
Ooo, what you've done?

Брой мнения : 34
Join date : 04.09.2009
Age : 31
Местожителство : WonderLand


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The Climb... the little part of my poetry Empty Re: The Climb... the little part of my poetry

Писане  AnnDimiter Пет Ное 13, 2009 12:47 am


Open your eyes for the world
under your door... under your door.
Can't you see that you live
under a lie... under a lie.

We can't stop the World movin'.
We can't make the new nature.
But we could learn to believe more!

Believe (4) Believe (3) in God, IN GOD! /2

Don't close your arms for the truth
under your eyelids... under you eyelids.
Help to remember the history of the Earth
under the lines... under the lines!

We can't stop the World movin'.
We can't make the new nature.
But we could learn to believe more!

Believe (4) Believe (3) in God, IN GOD! /2

Make it happen, make it truth!/
Make the wishes going truth!/ 2

Брой мнения : 34
Join date : 04.09.2009
Age : 31
Местожителство : WonderLand


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The Climb... the little part of my poetry Empty Re: The Climb... the little part of my poetry

Писане  AnnDimiter Вто Дек 22, 2009 5:21 am

Clear heart

/I need to find my way.
If I know what to do with my life
you will never-ever make me feel
like I feel today.../

Yes, sometimes I'm sick
of everything.
Yes, sometimes I don't pick
up the phone when it ring.

I gotta go my own way.
I gotta forget all that we made.
Sometimes selfishness helps for heartache.
Go ahead. I have nothing that you can take!

But if you're not here,
if you're not near.
I swear I can make my heart clear
from all the feelings that wait for you!

I gotta go my own way.
I gotta forget all that we made.
Sometimes selfishness helps for heartache.
Go ahead. I have nothing that you can take!

Брой мнения : 34
Join date : 04.09.2009
Age : 31
Местожителство : WonderLand


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The Climb... the little part of my poetry Empty Re: The Climb... the little part of my poetry

Писане  AnnDimiter Съб Дек 26, 2009 4:18 am

Lonely Christmas

Every year at the midnight
I wish myself happiness
Now sitting under starred sky
I ask myself: how did I get into this mess?

But this year I am so lonely
and now I see that sky is empty.
I feel like I'm in stupid movie
that has a terrible ending.

So lonely Christmas, so lonely days...
Without you I go out of grace.
Falling dawn I know I gotta rise.
Because there is nobody who cares...

And here I am
standing here again.
Feeling like in deja vu
but beside me aren't you.

The snow is hiding my footsteps
and making a huge hole between us.
Make a wish - it will come true!
I hope I'll wish the same as you...

Брой мнения : 34
Join date : 04.09.2009
Age : 31
Местожителство : WonderLand


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The Climb... the little part of my poetry Empty Re: The Climb... the little part of my poetry

Писане  AnnDimiter Вто Дек 29, 2009 4:32 am


Everybody looks at me.
I'm so tired of being freak.
Am I crazy?
Making stupid faces at me.
Laughing, scream and foolish things.
Am I crazy?

Yeah, I'm a dork.
I'm a freak.
That's my song.
True to myself. /2

Yeah, I rock.
I am strange.
I go insane.
True to myself. /2

Is anybody told you dear
that I don't care what you think?!
I am crazy!
Maybe this will make me mad
but I gonna tell you that
I am crazy!

Yeah, I'm a dork.
I'm a freak.
That's my song.
True to myself. /2

Yeah, I rock.
I am strange.
I go insane.
True to myself. /2

I do
everything I wanna do.
And I don't care
what they say, what they do.
I'm still true to myself,
to my choice, to my taste.
I can go, I can back.
I can change my clothes,
my hair and my shoes.
But that is because
I'm true to me!
I'm a FREAK!

Брой мнения : 34
Join date : 04.09.2009
Age : 31
Местожителство : WonderLand


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The Climb... the little part of my poetry Empty Re: The Climb... the little part of my poetry

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